In much sadder news, I went back to work yesterday and it's been pretty hard. I have known since I got pregnant that I would have to go back and finish the year so I have been trying to mentally prepare myself but that didn't make it any easier. I was actually excited to go back and see the kids and get back in the classroom but leaving Kate and being away from her is so hard! She hasn't gotten in a good routine of napping at day care so when she comes home she is kind of cranky and sleepy so I just hold her all night while she sleeps so I can spend time and be close to her. I am just terrified she is going to forget me or not feel that special bond with me anymore. Needless to say I am excited for Spring Break next week!
Lastly, I have new appreciation for single parents and people who raise kids with an absent spouse. Zac has been out of town since last Thursday and luckily this weekend GiGi (aka my mom) came to stay with me, but since Sunday I have been on my own. It was quite possibly the worst week for Zac to be out of town ever! But Nalco didn't care to hear that. I have had to get Kate ready for day care, get myself ready, take care of the dog, go to work, pick up Kate from day care, cook, take the dog for a walk, wash the bottles when I get home, wash Kate's dirty clothes when I get home, feed Kate, put her to bed, work on lesson plans and then get stuff ready for the next day. All this while trying to spend quality time with Kate, getting up in the middle of the night for feedings and dealing with my emotional stress of going back to work for the first time in 4 months. Ok well enough of my pity party, but I am ready for my hubby to come home tomorrow!
For your viewing pleasure here are some pictures from the new camera!
These are some great pictures! I'm putting a couple on my Ipod to show all my fellow cruisers.