Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Big Decision

Zac and I have been discussing the topic of me working for as long as I can remember. We go back and forth with pros and cons and it feels like we just go round and round. But alas a decision had to be made and I can't say it was that hard because I feel like I've known it was the right decision all along.

I turned in my resignation/leave of absence to my principal yesterday.

I won't be returning to work next year! I am so happy and really feel like this is going to be something that I look back on treasure the time I was able to be at home with my little girl.

The day care situation has actually been really good but still I feel like I am missing out on so much during the week and our evenings and weekends are spent cooking and cleaning and grocery shopping instead of spending quality time together.

So many people have given me their opinions on the staying home vs. working debate and I really do see how both sides can be very rewarding. I truly believe everyone has to make the decision that's right for them.

I am so thankful I have a wonderful husband to support and care for me and now I just have to work on some of my spending habits! I'll let ya know how that goes...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Ever heard of a Sip-n-See? Neither had I until recently... But basically it's an excuse to bring your baby and show her off to all the neighborhood ladies =) And there's food and drink and sometimes presents! So needless to say it was a blast.

The Spread

The beautiful hostesses! Kate was very interested in that light fixture...
(If you want to see the picture closer up you can click on them to make them bigger)

Me with the hostesses

The Grandmas

Our friend from high school, Jennifer and her cute daughter Addison! Kate and Addison are about 1 month apart. Addison was hanging out next door at her Grandma's house and I forced Jennifer to go get her!

Kate found Addison fascinating. Addison not so much...

Her first ponytail
I picked her up today and the girls at daycare had put a ponytail in her hair. I thought it looked cute so you'll see more of this to come!!

Here's a close up

This is Kate's favorite toy and I can't remember who gave it to her, but thank you whoever you are!!!

We have a big month ahead of us. A visit from the Great-Grandparents, Kate's Dedication at church, a trip to Odessa for the Roy Peden Classic Golf Tournament, a friends wedding in Austin and more. Look for lots of updates =)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

4 month check up

I can't believe Kate is 4 months old already. I had been looking forward to the Dr's visit because Kate has only been to the Dr. for her well baby visits so she hadn't been weighed since her 2 month visit.

Here were her stats...

Weight 14 lbs 4.5 oz - 65% percentile
Height 24 inches- 50% percentile
Head 14.5 inches- 20% percentile

So basically she is average height, a little chubby with a small head. The Dr. assured me that the head size has nothing to do with intelligence, but I do hope her head starts growing!!

Dr. G also diagnosed her with eczema which I kind of already knew. And we changed a few things and I'm already seeing a huge improvement.

This week I had a wake-up call about some of the products I was using. It's so weird to me that the products that are marketed toward babies are actually not good for them! Johnsons & Johnsons lotion, soap and shampoo is like a go to shower gift but when I read an article this weekend they actually have chemicals that can be cancer-causing!! The things they are putting in products not only can cause eczema but much worse! Here is the article if you want to check it out...

Anyways everything else went well at Kate's appointment and the Dr was impressed with her awareness, tracking skills and strength. Kate is constantly doing sit ups, we all say she is going to have abs of steel! She loves to sit up and look at the world around her, hopefully she'll be able to do it on her own soon!

No pictures today but I promise more soon!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Long time, No Post

Unfortunately I am back to my old self, a bad picture taker.

You know those times when other people think to get out their camera and take pictures, I just don't do that. I am trying to do better for Kate's sake and for our family and friends who live far away but it's hard. That's why I haven't updated the blog in so long but I figured I needed to do it today so I'll give ya'll what I've got...

My dear friend and college roommate Kayte was in town a few weeks ago for her bridal shower and Kate made an appearance at the end of the shower. Kayte's mom really wanted me to take this picture. I think she wants some grandbabies soon Kayte!!

We had a mini photo shoot in the backyard this weekend. It's hard when she can't sit up yet so Daddy just held her while mommy snapped away...

Look at those cheeks!

I think blue is her color...

She is starting to be so aware of things and constantly wants to touch and put things in her mouth.

Over at GiGi and Grandpa's house on Easter. She's wearing her gigantic bow in honor of Easter and playing in her Jumperoo that GiGi and Grandpa got for her.

Playing upstairs today on my day off. Yes, she is cutielicious...