Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I've been really bad at posting lately because I have been so busy at work. But all that will change on June 5th. Then I'll just be busy taking care of Kate and keeping the house in order! I can't wait!

Kate is growing and maturing so much I just can't believe it is happening so fast. I called one of my co-workers today to ask her a question and she just gushed on the phone how proud she was of me for staying home and that when she looks back that is her biggest regret. Her only child is graduating high school next week and she said she has been crying every day for the last 2 months because she can't believe how fast it's gone. Everything she said just reaffirmed everything I'm feeling.

Anyways here is a video of Kate practicing her sitting, she looks like a pro doesn't she?

And here is a video of her FINALLY rolling over. She had done this a few times here and there since she was about 10 weeks but today she did it about 6 or 7 times in a row intentionally so I finally feel comfortable saying she has FINALLY reached this milestone!

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