It also has resulted in babies being somewhat delayed and reaching milestones like rolling over and crawling later. So you are supposed to make sure your baby gets supervised tummy time to make sure they are able to exercise the muscles that help them roll over, crawl etc. and to prevent them from getting a flat head on the back.
Well after a baby gets used to being on their backs all the time, who would want to lay on their tummy and try and hold their head up? It is much harder work! And after her mommy's own heart Kate is all about taking the easiest route and absolutely hates tummy time!! So we do it in VERY short intervals throughout the day. Here are some pics from some recent tummy time sessions...
It starts out like this...
And within a few minutes it turns into this...
And some more from our session today...
Here is a much happier Kate, playing on the mat the way she likes to.
I really knew Kate must be my daughter on Saturday morning when I had her propped up on the boppy facing me and she craned her head all the way around to watch One Tree Hill on the tv!
Another thing she is obsessed with is sticking her fists in her mouth. Zac and I can't decide if this might be her transition into thumb sucking and away from the pacifier.
And this picture is just cute!
And lastly here is Kate taking an afternoon nap on our bed, she was pretty relaxed I would say...
Quit obsessing--she looks great on her belly! Soon she'll be propped on her elbows and looking all around. Even though she doesn't like it, those muscles are working as they should. Love, love the pics. She is, indeed, your daughter. Give her lots of kisses for me!!!